Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Lower Montreal Falls

September 6, 2010: Today we drove north toward the tip of the Keweenaw to hike to the Montreal Falls. It was a sunny, clear day out today with calm winds. The hike had wonderful views and we took many pictures along the way. The trail for the most part followed the Lake Superior shore and was easy to follow. There were many washouts that we had to keep an eye out for, for the sake of our daughter. The trail was narrow and there were many downed trees to climb over. It made for a fun family adventure. As we approached the falls, the forest and trees cleared and opened to a grassy and sandy/pebbly beach area. We passed some friends on the trail heading out that had camped in this clearing and had said it had made for a great campsite. We had stopped here for a snack and drink before exploring the area and heading back. If someone is considering this hike, I advise taking a quick look at google earth before heading out to familiarize yourself with the driving route. The drive is scenic and most pleasant, but can be tricky if one is not familiar with the area. From Lac La Belle go east about two and half miles until you see a gravel road on the left marked Smith Fisheries Rd. Continue down this road, passing the parking area for the Bare Bluff hiking area, and park where the road comes to and end by a parking area near the water. From the parking area a trail head toward the north that begins the hike to the Montreal falls.

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