Sunday, October 3, 2010


September 12-23, 2010: I have been in Alaska! I is just beautiful! I can't say enough about it...the mountains, the water, the animals and terrain, what is there not to love. I went to visit family and got the chance to do some hiking around Anchorage. Some places that I explored included a trail along the mudflats, the Kink Glacier and a trip down the Scenic Seward with some hiking along the way. It was a fabulous trip and I hope to return with my family someday. I am back in the Keweenaw now and I am enjoying the colors of fall.

1 comment:

  1. No pictures of Alaska? I just stumbled onto your website and found it interesting since I have a second home in Calumet. My husband and I are still exploring all the nooks and cranies of the area even though he has been coming up here for 25 years or more!
